Selectboard Meeting

Town Hall

BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Budget to Actual as of 2025-05-30 Selectboard Warrant 2024-05 Delinquent Tax Collector Report as of 2024-05-30

Selectboard Meeting


Zoom Recording: Passcode: 2=y6QZ@P Background Documents: Policy for Town Hall Flag Display (DRAFT)  Budget to Actual Selectboard Warrant Delinquent Tax Collector Report

Selectboard Meeting


ZOOM Recording. Passcode: 2=y6QZ@P   BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Selectboard Warrant 2024-07 Budget to Actual 2024-07-31 2023 Setting the Property Tax Rate (1) 2024 Setting the Property Tax Rate option 1 2024 […]

Special Selectboard Meeting


ZOOM Recording. Passcode: I18Gz^VW 2023 Setting the Property Tax Rate (1) 2024 Setting the Property Tax Rate option 1 2024 Setting the Property Tax Rate option 2

Selectboard Meeting 09-09-2024


Zoom Link Budget to Actual 2024-08-31 Delinquent Tax Collector Report as of 2024-08-29 Selectboard Warrant 2024-08

Selectboard Meeting


Budget to Actual 2024-09-30 Delinquent Tax Collector Report as of 2024-09-30 Selectboard Warrant 2024-09