Mon & Thurs 9am – 3pm
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The public is invited to join this meeting to discuss the 2023 Maidstone Town Survey. The Planning Commission will make a short presentation about the Survey, then open the floor for discussion of questions and results. This will be a hybrid meeting held in person at Town Hall and via Zoom. This "Element, Goals, Related Survey Questions" document lists the State Required Elements that must be included in a Town Plan, the State goals that are associated with those Required Elements (Town Plans must be consistent with State goals), and the Maidstone Survey questions that correlate to those Elements and Goals. Maidstone Survey Responses Report Survey Presentation for 2024-01-17 Meeting Public participation is a vital part of creating the Town Plan that will help to guide Maidstone's next eight years. Please attend the meeting, either in person or via Zoom, and join in the discussion about shaping Maidstone's future. Your input will be much appreciated.
Background Documents: Draft Town Plan Table of Contents: This Draft Table of Contents is a working document, an organizational outline, based on the State’s Required Elements, plus some additional sections that the Town may want to include. Draft Town Plan Outline: This is a working document, created by Bruce Barker following the organizational structure of the Draft Town Plan Table of Contents. The document incorporates the State Required Elements, the current Maidstone Town Plan including its goals/objectives, the State Planning Goals, the Regional Planning goals from NVDA, and Survey Results.