Bureau of Civil Authority Training

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Bureau of Civil Authority Training

What: Effective BCA Property Tax Assessment Appeals Training

When: Monday, June 17, 6:00 – 7:30 PM

WhoInvited Officials: Board of Civil Authority members (town clerk, selectboard members, justices of the peace) and listers/assessors

How: Gather at Maidstone Town Office at 508 VT-102, Maidstone, to participate in the Zoom training; please let Town Clerk Amy Pear know if you plant to attend.

*Individuals may attend separately, but must obtain a unique registration link from Abby Friedman, Municipal Assistance Center Director for Vermont League of Cities & Towns, at 802-262-1926 or afriedman@vlct.org

Speaker: Garrett Baxter, VLCT Municipal Assistance Center Senior Staff Attorney

Property Valuation and Review Staff

  • Deanna Robitaille, District Advisor, PVR, Vermont Department of Taxes

  • Barb Schlesinger, District Advisor, PVR, Vermont Department of Taxes

June 17, 2024 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Hybrid Board of Civil Authority

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