Planning Commission Meetings

Event Calendar

What is the role of the Planning Commission in Vermont Town Government?


Background Documents for Updating and Readopting the Town Plan

Comparison of Maidstone’s Town Plans: 1973, 1993, 2007, and 2016


Required Elements, State Goals, and Tasks for the Planning Commission


Required Elements, State Goals, Related Survey Questions


January 2024: An Open Meeting to Discuss the Updating and Re-adoption of the Maidstone Town Plan, plus the Survey Results


Maidstone Town Survey Responses Report


Draft Town Plan Table of Contents

This Draft Table of Contents is a working document, an organizational outline, based on the State’s Required Elements, plus some additional sections that the Town may want to include.


Draft Town Plan Outline Including Town Plan History, Required Elements, State Goals, NVDA Goals, Survey Results, and Observations

This is a working document that follows the organizational structure of the Draft Town Plan Table of Contents. The document incorporates the State Required Elements, the current Maidstone Town Plan including its goals/objectives, the State Planning Goals, the Regional Planning goals from NVDA, and Survey Results.


Presentations by Planning Commission Members about the 12 State Required Elements:

Required Element, Education: An educational facilities plan consisting of a map and statement of projected and current uses and the local public school system (prepared and presented by Bob Champagne-Willis)

Required Element 5, Natural Resources: A statement of policies on the preservation of rare and irreplaceable NATURAL AREAS, scenic and historic features and resources (prepared and presented by Bruce Barker)

Required Element 5, Natural Resources: A summary (prepared and presented by Bruce Barker)

Housing – Presentation for PC Meeting, 2024-09-10 (Bruce)

Housing Expanded – Required Elements, State Planning Goals & Town Plan Outline, Goals Presentation 2024-11-12 RE 1 Growth & Development (Bruce)

Land Use – Town Plan Outline – RE 2 Land Use – Presentation (Bruce)

Land Use Research Doc – Town Plan Outline – RE 2 Land Use Research (Bruce)

Maidstone Economic Development Plan (Paul)

Required Elements State Planning Goals Town Plan Outline Presentation 2024-10-03 RE 8 Adjacent Towns

The Planning Commission vs the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

Under Vermont state law the Planning Commission and the Zoning Board are two separate municipal boards serving two separate functions.

The Planning Commission is a municipal panel that is principally responsible for drafting the Town Plan and the Town’s land use Bylaws. The members of the Maidstone Selectboard are non-voting, ex-officio members of the Planning Commission.

The Zoning Board of Adjustment is a municipal panel that performs a quasijudicial permitting function (acts like a court) and hears appeals from actions or decisions of the Zoning Administrator. It also considers conditional use applications, decides requests for variances, and rules on variance requests.